In coperation with partners to create the best experience
Norrigården do not have access to every part of the product range which is required to be optimally competitive. Norrigården choose to solve this need by partnering with external actors offered a mutual partnership. Norrigården has collaboration products with several companies and visits items in Hälsingland:
Our partners will have their own environmental profile and is aware of the products that Norrigården offer and what they stand for.
Norrigården interact with other companies for living, booknig, supplies, complementary products, marketing, etc. Below are descriptions and links to a number of these companies:
Hälsinge tourism is marketing all destinations in the county Hälsingland.
Norrigården is located in the northern part of the county Hälsingland, one of the hottest and most interesting tourist destinations in the province.
Hälsingland is personal, wild and mythical. Here are mysterious and shimmering wilderness with bears, lynx, wolves and moose. The landscape has a rich musical, cultural and narrative tradition. Own hideaways are easy to find – because they are everywhere. All the rivers and lakes in Hälsingland provides great opportunities for swimning and fishing. In the winter Hälsningland attracted many families that enjoy skiing.
The landscape in Hälsingland spurs the imagination. No wonder that there are a lot of tales about giants, goblins and creatures of the forest.
Vildriket is a zoo located in the town Järvsö. A visit to Vildriket is a magical and memorable experience for the whole family. There’s something for everyone, young and old alike. Here, you’ll encounter the wild animals of the North on their own terms, in a stunning setting. Brown bears, wolves, lynxes, foxes, and reindeer are just a few of the animals you can meet here.
Other partners: